If you want full compatibility with all versions of PDF documents, then the only original PDF viewer is from the source and that is Adobe. Not sure which version is right for you? Ask our passionate online community of old software below! From AcrobatReader 1.0 for DOS to Acrobat Reader 11.0.01, we are your one-stop online communityfor installing Acrobat Reader. Our site has several popular versions ofAcrobat Reader, which are free from viruses, malware and spyware. offers quickand free download of Acrobat Reader. pdf forms through their web browser.ĪdobeReader is a must-have software for viewing PDF files.

Acrobat Reader automatically installs a plug-in for Netscape Navigator allowing users to view. pdf and vice versa and creating professional, interactive fillable forms such as questionnaires or application forms. pdf documents along with newer premium features which include converting files to. Acrobat Reader is a type of freeware developed by Adobe systems as a.