Script: Ken Niemand / Art: Leonardo Manco / Colours: Chris Blythe / Letters: Annie Parkhouse JUDGE DREDD // Succession, part two Read an extract in Meg 454 - also out next week!Ģ000 AD Prog 2322 is out now from all good newsagents and comic book stores, plus digitally from our webshop and apps! Don’t forget that if you buy an issue of 2000 AD in the first week of its release then postage in the UK is free! DOWNLOAD THE APP > SUBSCRIBE NOW > Joining them from the Treasury of British Comics is the third volume of The Leopard From Lime Street by the Tully, Bradbury and Western droids.

Out next week is the latest Devlin Waugh collection The Reckoning by Aleš Kot, Mike Dowling and Patrick Goddard, and Judge Dredd: Regicide by Arthur Wyatt, Rob Williams, Jake Lynch and Ian Richardson compiles the recent Red Queen storyline. March is proving a busy month here at the Command Module with numerous publications released over the next four weeks demanding your attention.

Judge Dredd battles bloodthirsty climbers of the corporate ladder in the second part of Succession the Imperium prepares for its last stand against the Scorchers in Proteus Vex Cyd searches for answers regarding the Up in The Out the fightback agains the shadow-creatures begins in The Order and sharpshooting ABC Warrior Joe Pineapples reaches the end of his solo adventure! Welcome, my Squaxx, to the latest blast of cosmic excitement courtesy of the hardworking creator droids behind the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic. ATTENTION, EARTHLETS – 2000 AD Prog 2322 is OUT NOW!Ĭall me The Mighty Tharg, bringer of Thrills to a planet much in need of a dose of zarjazosity!